

Via Salvatore Piscopo, 46, Casoria 80026
Delivery: National
Employees: 5-9
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About us

7 Product and services

Sports Flooring - Indoor and Outdoor Sports Flooring
Sports Flooring - Indoor and Outdoor Sports Flooring
Geis Management Group designs, supplies, and installs flooring for nearly all sports disciplines, including: pool flooring, natural and synthetic gras...
Marketing and Communication - Sports Marketing and Communication for Organizations, Sports Clubs, Athletes, and Companies
Marketing and Communication - Sports Marketing and Communication for Organizations, Sports Clubs, Athletes, and Companies
Geis Management Group stands by public and private entities that want to develop and implement sports communication and marketing plans and/or leverag...
Design and Construction of Sports Facilities - Turnkey
Design and Construction of Sports Facilities - Turnkey
Geis Management Group boasts thirty years of experience in the design and construction of cutting-edge sports facilities for both public and private c...
Design and Construction of Wellness Centers - Design and construction of wellness centers, hospitality and recreational facilities
Design and Construction of Wellness Centers - Design and construction of wellness centers, hospitality and recreational facilities
The experience gained by the group over approximately 30 years of activity allows Geis Management Group to offer various types of wellness centers, ac...
Sports and Tourism Event Organization - Event and Hospitality Services Organization
Sports and Tourism Event Organization - Event and Hospitality Services Organization
Geis Management Group offers services for organizing sports and tourism events based on comprehensive and meticulous management at every stage of the ...
Sports Facility Covers - Design and Installation of Sports Covers
Sports Facility Covers - Design and Installation of Sports Covers
The Geis Management Group designs and installs coverings for sports facilities of all kinds, from pool covers and air-supported structures to fixed sp...
Sports Facility Maintenance - Maintenance of sports facilities, from construction to home automation
Sports Facility Maintenance - Maintenance of sports facilities, from construction to home automation
Geis Management Group is involved in the maintenance of sports facilities at 360°, from building maintenance to the upkeep of home automation systems.

Location and contact

AddressVia Salvatore Piscopo, 46, IT-80026 Casoria

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