Responds reliably


Marie-Curie-Strasse 5, Mannheim 68219
Founded: 1978
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About us
Wholesale for non-ferrous metals from Mannheim, you will find aluminum, copper, brass, red brass/bronze, stainless steel, and plastics with us. We offer sheet cuts, rings/rounds, and bar sections.

8 Product and services

Corner profiles made of plastic, stainless steel, and aluminum
Corner profiles made of plastic, stainless steel, and aluminum
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
Sheets and Plates
Sheets and Plates
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
U-Profile, T-Profile, Z-Profile
U-Profile, T-Profile, Z-Profile
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
Perforated Sheets
Perforated Sheets
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
Bronze/Copper Alloy Bushings
Bronze/Copper Alloy Bushings
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
Hollow Bars/Round Tubes
Hollow Bars/Round Tubes
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and...
Square Tubes, Rectangular Tubes, Round Tubes
Square Tubes, Rectangular Tubes, Round Tubes
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...
Round bars, flat bars, square bars, and hexagonal bars
Round bars, flat bars, square bars, and hexagonal bars
Your partner in metals, stainless steel, and plastics, committed to high standards of quality and satisfaction – while also providing fair and feasibl...

Location and contact

AddressMarie-Curie-Strasse 5, DE-68219 Mannheim

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