

Tannery Lane, Gosden common, Guildford GU5 0AJ
United Kingdom
Employees: 20-49
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About us

2 Product and services

Torque Screwdrivers - Available in preset, dial, electric and adjustable
Torque Screwdrivers - Available in preset, dial, electric and adjustable
Gedore-Torque manufacturer of torque screwdrivers, a selection of types and uses. Speak to our sales team to find the torque tool you need 01483 89447...
Torque Wrenches - Available in preset, dial, digital and adjustable
Torque Wrenches - Available in preset, dial, digital and adjustable
A leading manufacturer of torque wrenches suitable for multiple industries. A variety of torque wrench designs available from Gedore-Torque directly.

Location and contact

AddressTannery Lane, Gosden common, GB-GU5 0AJ Guildford
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