

Friedrich-Seele-Strasse 19, Braunschweig 38122
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About us

7 Product and services

Rental Container Office / Construction Trailer
Rental Container Office / Construction Trailer
GAUS Container + Service GmbH rents out affordable office containers and construction trailers for temporary use on construction sites, during buildin...
Crushing and Screening Plants
Crushing and Screening Plants
With the screening systems from GAUS Container + Dienstleistung GmbH, we quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively screen various materials on your c...
Container / Disposal
Container / Disposal
With GAUS Container + Service GmbH, the expert in waste disposal in Braunschweig and the surrounding area, you will always find the right container fo...
Green Care
Green Care
In Braunschweig and the surrounding area, our qualified staff take care of lawn maintenance, trim your hedges and shrubs, and of course, remove any we...
Sweeping Machines
Sweeping Machines
We are your serious and reliable partner for surface cleaning in Braunschweig.
Bulk Goods
Bulk Goods
Our employees deliver various bulk materials precisely on time and reliably starting from 1 m³ to Braunschweig, Wolfsburg, or Gifhorn (other locations...
Winter Service
Winter Service
Don't have time to handle snow clearing and salting? Then GAUS Container + Service GmbH in Braunschweig is the right partner for your winter services!

Location and contact

AddressFriedrich-Seele-Strasse 19, DE-38122 Braunschweig

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