

Viale Danimarca, 29, Battipaglia 84091
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1962
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

High jump landing area - High jump landing area complete with anti-nail mat. World Athletics approved
High jump landing area - High jump landing area complete with anti-nail mat. World Athletics approved
High jump landing area, dimensions 600x400x70(h) cm, World Athletics approved. The fall area, in this version with dimensions 600x400x70(h) cm, has Wo...
Pair of 3x2 m. steel football goals including nets - Pair of 3x2 m. steel football goals made by Gana Sport
Pair of 3x2 m. steel football goals including nets - Pair of 3x2 m. steel football goals made by Gana Sport
The 3m x 2m is the official regulation size for 5-a-side matches and tournaments, although the quality of this goal makes it equally suitable for club...
Professional dust line maker - Professional dust line maker made by Gana Sport
Professional dust line maker - Professional dust line maker made by Gana Sport
The professional dust line marker is complete with a directional wheel and brush distribution roller. This trolley is essential for football, rugby, a...
Bench for changing room with backrest, bag rest and shoe rack
Bench for changing room with backrest, bag rest and shoe rack
Bench for changing room with seat, backrest, shoe rack and bag rest, Classic model. Made with powder-coated tubular steel, with a diameter of 40 mm, i...
Monotubular basketball system - Monotubular basketball system in varnished steel
Monotubular basketball system - Monotubular basketball system in varnished steel
Monotubular basketball system in varnished steel, 150x150 mm square section - pair of baskets, made in accordance with UNI-EN 1270. Produced entirely ...
Gym wardrobe with 4 doors
Gym wardrobe with 4 doors
The 4-doors wardrobe for changing rooms is the most adopted solution to furnish gyms and sports centres, as it allows the placement of many wardrobes ...
Sports mattress - Sport Mat for gymnastic and athletic
Sports mattress - Sport Mat for gymnastic and athletic
Sports mattress with a non-slip bottom made of non-deformable sponge with a density of 21kg/m3 and a monobloc or honeycomb structure. Made in Italy, e...
Swedish wall bars - Swedish wall bars for gymnastics
Swedish wall bars - Swedish wall bars for gymnastics
Swedish wall bars in beech wood for gymnastics, available in one or two spans. Dimensions available: one span cm 230x80 or 250x90 - two spans cm 230x1...

Location and contact

AddressViale Danimarca, 29, IT-84091 Battipaglia

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