

Via Fiamme Verdi, 93, Vestone 25078
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1952
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Custom Brass Threaded Caps - Brass Threaded Caps according to customer specifications
Custom Brass Threaded Caps - Brass Threaded Caps according to customer specifications
Production of threaded brass plugs according to customer specifications, for a wide variety of applications, including: heat pumps, water heaters, sto...
Brass threaded fittings according to customer design
Brass threaded fittings according to customer design
Production of threaded brass fittings according to customer specifications. - Production of threaded brass fittings according to customer specificatio...
Brass hose fittings to specification - Brass hose fittings according to customer design
Brass hose fittings to specification - Brass hose fittings according to customer design
Production of brass hose fittings according to customer specifications. Gabrieli srl is a company based in Brescia, specialized in automatic turning ...
Brass T-Fittings for Compressed Air - Brass Pneumatic Fittings According to Customer Specifications
Brass T-Fittings for Compressed Air - Brass Pneumatic Fittings According to Customer Specifications
Production of brass fittings according to customer specifications for a wide range of industrial sectors. Gabrieli srl is a company based in Brescia,...
Accessories for door and window handles - Accessories for handles, pull handles, and knobs
Accessories for door and window handles - Accessories for handles, pull handles, and knobs
Turned and mechanically processed components for handles, large handles, and knobs: rosettes, diffusers, grips, recessed handles for sliding doors, et...
Brass nuts according to customer specifications
Brass nuts according to customer specifications
Production of nuts, counter nuts, rings, and caps in brass according to customer specifications. Gabrieli srl is a Brescia-based company specialized ...
Turned brass details by design - Automatic turning from bar based on customer design or sample
Turned brass details by design - Automatic turning from bar based on customer design or sample
Gabrieli srl is a Brescia-based company specializing in automatic single-spindle turning and mechanical processing on transfer machines and machining ...
Brass Counter Nuts - Brass Counter Nuts according to customer design
Brass Counter Nuts - Brass Counter Nuts according to customer design
Production of brass nuts according to customer design. Gabrieli srl is a Brescia-based company specialized in automatic turning and mechanical proces...
Automatic Turning and Machining - Automatic Turning and Machining
Automatic Turning and Machining - Automatic Turning and Machining
Gabrieli srl is a Brescia-based company specializing in automatic turning on single-spindle lathes and mechanical processing on transfer machines and ...
Brass Nipple Fittings to Design - Threaded Brass Nipples According to Customer's Design
Brass Nipple Fittings to Design - Threaded Brass Nipples According to Customer's Design
Production of threaded niple fittings in brass according to customer specifications. Gabrieli srl is a Brescia-based company specialized in automatic...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressVia Fiamme Verdi, 93, IT-25078 Vestone

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