Schwarzwaldstraße 6a, Hünfelden 65597
Founded: 2008
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About us
We are a company that specializes in our own patented technology, established since 1998, focusing on damaged paving joints in outdoor areas; particularly joint filling and joint renovation.

7 Product and services

Joint Mortar FT-HB-02
Joint Mortar FT-HB-02
Fugen-Tec Joint Mortar FT-HB-02 is available in light, medium, and dark gray and is a hydraulically binding mixture. The joint mortar is self-compact...
Joint Seal
Joint Seal
A particular specialty of our company is the grouting of natural stone pavement surfaces, using fully binding joint mortar, Fugen-Tec, joint mortar, F...
Mold Remediation
Mold Remediation
Through our own patented process technology (DE 10 2010 021 936), we are able to sufficiently expose damaged joints and achieve optimal edge cleaning.
Paving - & Slab Installation
Paving - & Slab Installation
We lay paving stones and slabs in both bound and unbound construction methods, precisely tailored to the traffic load. When processed carefully in ac...
Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints
According to DIN 18318 Section 3.2, we professionally install expansion joints in all natural stones and slabs. We also carry out expansion joints re...
Gutter Renovation
Gutter Renovation
With years of experience, we repair damaged joints in paving surfaces using our patented method (DE 10 2010 012 936). Channels made of natural stone ...
Joint Mortar FT EP 200
Joint Mortar FT EP 200
For outdoor areas with light to moderate traffic, such as patios, pathways, driveways, and pedestrian zones. It is water-permeable, solvent-free, and ...

Location and contact

AddressSchwarzwaldstraße 6a, DE-65597 Hünfelden
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