

Hauptstraße 2-4, Sigmaringen 72488
Founded: 1887
Employees: 50-99
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10 Product and services

Slurry mixer ZQU/ZQUE 403/653  - MixersNext
Slurry mixer ZQU/ZQUE 403/653 - Mixers
0,00 €
Application possibilities of the Eisele slurry mixer are only in the agricultural sector. Key data: Double-start worm forced circulation With PTO-driv...
Accessories for silo- and pump installationsNext
Accessories for silo- and pump installations
0,00 €
Filling and mixing lines: Filling and mixing line, height and laterally adjustable Filling and mixing line, with removable mixing nozzle Mixing tube m...
Slurry mixer HP 10/45/65 - Mixers
Slurry mixer HP 10/45/65 - Mixers
0,00 €
Key data: With hydraulic drive 7.5 to 33.5 kW Stable design, highly wear resisting mechanical seal, shaft in an oil bath The fluidic optimised double...
PTO mixer ZP 454/654 - Mixers
PTO mixer ZP 454/654 - Mixers
0,00 €
Application options for the Eisele PTO mixers can be found in industrial businesses and in the agricultural sector. More detailed key data here: Doubl...
Submersible pumps AT/ATF/GTF  - PumpsNext
Submersible pumps AT/ATF/GTF - Pumps
0,00 €
Eisele submersible pumps AT have been produced by us since 1972 and are used in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Key data: Simple installation...
Sewage Pumps VAG - Pumps
Sewage Pumps VAG - Pumps
0,00 €
Key data: Sewage Pumps VAG, rubber mounted with mixing nozzle Suitable as waste water lifting system For pit depths up to approx. 4 m Three-phased mot...
Rotary lobe pumps DK  - PumpsNext
Rotary lobe pumps DK - Pumps
0,00 €
Eisele rotary lobe pumps have been constructed since 1983 and have proved themselves in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Detailed key data her...
Construction and sewage pumps BS-BSD-BSG Construction - PumpsNext
Construction and sewage pumps BS-BSD-BSG Construction - Pumps
0,00 €
The Eisele construction and sewage pumps BS-BSD-BSG are self-priming rotary pumps. More detailed key data here: Dry self priming - dry-running safe - ...
Vertical Pumps VM/VG - PumpsNext
Vertical Pumps VM/VG - Pumps
0,00 €
Eisele vertical pumps have proved themselves thousands of times and are superior in quality and performance. Key data: Forced supply through the screw...
Submersible mixers GTW - MixersNext
Submersible mixers GTW - Mixers
0,00 €
Eisele submersible mixers have been manufactured since 1982. More detailed key data here: A complete range of products for the agricultural and indust...

Location and contact

AddressHauptstraße 2-4, DE-72488 Sigmaringen
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