

Am Honnefer Kreuz 59, Bad Honnef 53604
Founded: 1965
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9 Product and services

Bag Filter
Bag Filter
The BAGPROFI42 can be easily integrated into your piping system and can accommodate four size 2 bag filters. Access to the four bag filters is provid...
aquaProfi 5011 (up to 150 m³/h)
aquaProfi 5011 (up to 150 m³/h)
The AquaProfi type 5011 filters your media between 2-500 µm and provides a flow rate of 150 m³/h during continuous operation, depending on the finenes...
Multi-element filter
Multi-element filter
Reliable Separation of Water from Fuels The multi-element filter consists of a housing that can accommodate several filter cartridges. The cylindrica...
Double Filter
Double Filter
The DoubleFILTERs are the ideal solution for manual mechanical filtration of your media. When cleaning, it is not necessary to interrupt the filtrati...
Pot Filter
Pot Filter
The pot filters of types 130 and 140 provide a cost-effective manual alternative to our self-cleaning AquaPROFI filters. The basic housing – the so-c...
aquaProfi 7013 (up to 250 m³/h)
aquaProfi 7013 (up to 250 m³/h)
The AquaProfi type 7013 filters your media between 2-500 µm and provides a flow rate of 250 m³/h during continuous operation, depending on the finenes...
Suction Filter
Suction Filter
Suction filters from Filter Profitlich have been in continuous use for over four decades in domestic and international steel construction, power plant...
aquaProfi 3011 (up to 100 m³/h)
aquaProfi 3011 (up to 100 m³/h)
The AquaProfi type 3011 filters your media between 2-500 µm and provides a flow rate of 100 m³/h during continuous operation, depending on the finenes...
Drum Band Filter
Drum Band Filter
Drum band filters are used wherever continuous retention of suspended solids is required. These suspended solids must be larger than 5 µm to remain t...

Company images

Our AquaPROFI 5000Diverse combinationsCustom filter screensOur suction filtersAlso on the goOur AquaPROFI 700Our pot filter TF130112Proven Systems

Location and contact

AddressAm Honnefer Kreuz 59, DE-53604 Bad Honnef

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