

320 Rue Saint Honore, Paris 75001
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
Employees: 20-49
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8 Product and services

Patent filingNext
Patent filing
Filing a patent is a crucial step in protecting your inventions and technical innovations. In France, a patent provides you with exclusive protection ...
Rights Transfer ServiceNext
Rights Transfer Service
The rights transfer service offered by Fidealis allows you to legally transfer your copyright to a third party. This process is simple and quick, enab...
Protect your Creations and your WorksNext
Protect your Creations and your Works
The protection of your creations and works is essential in a world where originality is often put to the test. With our service, you can ensure that y...
Deposit of design and modelNext
Deposit of design and model
The registration of designs and models is a crucial step in protecting the aesthetic appearance of your products. In France, this protection allows yo...
Online creation depositNext
Online creation deposit
The online creation deposit is a modern and convenient solution to protect your works. Many websites, such as Fidealis, offer the possibility to depos...
European unitary patentNext
European unitary patent
The European unitary patent is a major advancement in the protection of intellectual property within the European Union. This simplified system allows...
Protect Your PhotosNext
Protect Your Photos
Protecting your photos is essential to ensure that your visual works are secure against theft and unauthorized use. By using protection solutions, you...
Copyright ServiceNext
Copyright Service
The copyright service offered by Fidealis allows you to protect your works effectively and quickly. With certificates recognized by the courts, you ca...

Location and contact

Address320 Rue Saint Honore, FR-75001 Paris

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