

Ferdinand-Porsche-Strasse 21, Frankfurt Am Main 60386
Delivery: Regional
Founded: 1963
Employees: 200-499
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About us

7 Product and services

Green Care
Green Care
Whether it's tree pruning, lawn care, tree watering, green waste collection, or seasonal maintenance of your outdoor area, we support you with passion...
Marking Works / Marking
Marking Works / Marking
We offer temporary and permanent marking services for roads and traffic areas, parking lots and garages, commercial and industrial spaces, factory pre...
Graffiti Removal
Graffiti Removal
As professionals in graffiti removal, we provide the appropriate cleaning method for every surface. We work safely and residue-free, effectively and e...
Cleaning / Street and Surface Cleaning
Cleaning / Street and Surface Cleaning
Whether it's cleaning a company premises, specialized tasks like high-pressure and intensive cleaning, or cleanup and cleaning services around the con...
Traffic Safety
Traffic Safety
From planning to the establishment of no-parking zones to complex traffic management, we ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Pest Control
Pest Control
We advise you on all aspects of pest control, offer preventive measures, carefully monitor the area of application, and solve your pest problem discre...
Event Service
Event Service
Whether it's cleaning, disposal, traffic planning, or water construction. We take care of a reliable infrastructure for your event.

Location and contact

AddressFerdinand-Porsche-Strasse 21, DE-60386 Frankfurt Am Main

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