

Endeavour Works, Newlands Way, Valley Park, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 0UW
United Kingdom
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1988
Employees: 50-99
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10 Product and services

Fernco Adaptor Couplings
Fernco Adaptor Couplings
Adaptor Couplings, sometimes referred to as reducer couplings, are designed to connect unadopted drainage pipes with different outside diameters – con...
Fernco Drain Coupling
Fernco Drain Coupling
Drain Couplings, sometimes referred to as couplers, are simple, easy to use drainage pipe connectors. Drain Couplings are designed to connect two pipe...
Fernco Saddles for Concrete/Clay Pipe
Fernco Saddles for Concrete/Clay Pipe
Fernco's range of saddles for Concrete and Clay pipes are an approved and more flexible option than pipe junctions when connecting lateral (or branch)...
Fernco Saddles for Plastic Pipe
Fernco Saddles for Plastic Pipe
Fernco's range of saddles for plastic pipes are an approved and more flexible option than pipe junctions when connecting lateral (or branch) pipes int...
Fernco Shear Banded Couplings
Fernco Shear Banded Couplings
Shear banded couplings are specifically designed to connect and repair pipes on adopted sewer and drainage applications, as required by the UK water c...
Fernco Bushes
Fernco Bushes
Bushes are used as an additional component part of either Shear Banded Couplings or Lateral Connection Saddles. The purpose of a bush is to increase t...
Fernco Saddles for Smooth PVC Pipe
Fernco Saddles for Smooth PVC Pipe
Fernco's range of saddles for smooth PVC pipes are a more flexible option than pipe junctions when connecting lateral (or branch) pipes into main drai...
Fernco Puddle Flange/Radon Barrier
Fernco Puddle Flange/Radon Barrier
Puddle Flanges ensure a watertight seal and radon barrier where pipes pass through concrete walls or slabs of any structure or building.
Fernco Wraparound Couplings
Fernco Wraparound Couplings
Wraparound Couplings are designed to seal cracks in drainage pipes by simply wrapping around the the cracked area and connecting. This eliminates the ...
Fernco Icon Internal Couplings
Fernco Icon Internal Couplings
Fernco manufactures a wide range of couplings that connect rainwater and wastewater pipelines using the internal surface, we call these ‘Icon’ (intern...

Location and contact

AddressEndeavour Works, Newlands Way, Valley Park, Wombwell, GB-S73 0UW Barnsley

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