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10 rue Jacques Daguerre, Rueil-Malmaison 92500
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1985
Employees: 20-49
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159 Product and services

Vibrating Conveyor And Distributor
Vibrating Conveyor And Distributor
The conveyor provides the product transfer to the machine located downstream. The distributor evenly and continuously transfers your products to sever...
Vibrating Conveyor and Distributor T31B/D11B
Vibrating Conveyor and Distributor T31B/D11B
The conveyor ensures the transfer of product into the downstream machine as well as the even distribution of the product across the width of the conve...
Separator Fan S2x/VE05
Separator Fan S2x/VE05
Separates the treated product (peas, flageolets, green beans, cauliflower florets, carrots, small fruits...) and foreign bodies based on differences i...
Belt Conveyor
Belt Conveyor
Provides the product transfer from a piece of equipment located upstream to a piece of equipment located downstream. Can be adapted according to your ...
Circular Hopper T93
Circular Hopper T93
Permite almacenar tras la limpieza (si procede, tras el calibrado) productos granulares variados (guisantes, alubias, habas, alubias blancas/rojas, ga...
Fan Separator S2x/ VE05
Fan Separator S2x/ VE05
Separate the treated product (peas, beans, green beans, cauliflower florets, carrots, small fruits...) and foreign bodies based on differences in dens...
TB10 Conveyor Belt
TB10 Conveyor Belt
Transfer and elevate the processed product from one equipment to a higher-level equipment. Multiple belt widths available depending on the product tra...
Belt Blancher-cooler
Belt Blancher-cooler
Precise control of the parameters and homogeneous processing of the product by maintaining the temperature through the entire thickness of the product...
Green Bean Harvester E6x
Green Bean Harvester E6x
Cut the ends of green beans or similar shaped products. Capacity 300 kg/h to 3t/h depending on the model and the product being processed. Machine main...
In the case of frozen food production, sizing and even sorting may be required for the overall optimization of the process, product storage, and their...
In a fruit and vegetable processing line, storage is often necessary for feeding the line, handling different product categories, adjusting flows betw...
Vibrating Conveyor and Distributor T31B / D11B
Vibrating Conveyor and Distributor T31B / D11B
The conveyor transfers products to a machine located on a lower level. The distributor regularly and continuously transfers products to various machin...
Automatic Sweet Corn Cutter ACC (CCM)
Automatic Sweet Corn Cutter ACC (CCM)
Cuts the kernels from an ear of fully matured corn. Capacity of 110 ears/minute. The machine mainly consists of a feeder with a conveyor belt and a ro...
Waste Management
Waste Management
Today, waste management has become a genuine challenge in sustainable development and yield on fruit and vegetable processing lines. Femia provides so...
TN1x Cleaning Drum
TN1x Cleaning Drum
Installed at the entrance of the granular product line such as peas/beans, it extracts small residues, sticky residues, and large waste. Capacity of 8...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

C/D (or CAD) - Cash against Documents also D/P - Documents against Payment
D/C - Documentary Collection

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

Address10 rue Jacques Daguerre, FR-92500 Rueil-Malmaison

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