

Tödistrasse 48, Horgen 8810
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1951
Employees: 20-49
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9 Product and services

Strip Plate mm/Inch - Measurements are available on both light and dark objects
Strip Plate mm/Inch - Measurements are available on both light and dark objects
Measurements can be taken on both light and dark objects due to the special design of the scale. By covering the lower part of the scale in the longit...
Measuring Loupe F+C 8x MM - The Measuring Loupe F+C 8x MM offers an achromatic lens system.
Measuring Loupe F+C 8x MM - The Measuring Loupe F+C 8x MM offers an achromatic lens system.
The F+C 8x MM measuring loupe features an achromatic lens system for distortion-free viewing up to the edges, an inclined position, and a clear plasti...
Personalized Engraved Magnifying Glass Case - You would like a matching case for our 8x magnifying glasses customized as well
Personalized Engraved Magnifying Glass Case - You would like a matching case for our 8x magnifying glasses customized as well
We would be happy to contact you after receiving your order and can create a quote with price and delivery time based on a high-quality file of your l...
Black Eyepiece Ring - Eyepiece ring compatible with all F+C 8x measuring and stand magnifiers as well as the 8x magnifier
Black Eyepiece Ring - Eyepiece ring compatible with all F+C 8x measuring and stand magnifiers as well as the 8x magnifier
Eyepiece ring compatible with all measuring and stand magnifiers F+C 8x as well as the 8x magnifier encased in aluminum...
Stand Magnifier F+C 8x - Consistently high quality even when measurement isn't necessary.
Stand Magnifier F+C 8x - Consistently high quality even when measurement isn't necessary.
Our stand magnifier F+C 8x features a high-quality achromatic lens system, an inclined position, and a clear plastic window for good illumination. It ...
Personalized Engraving Magnifying Glass - Would you like our F+C 8x magnifying glasses customized?
Personalized Engraving Magnifying Glass - Would you like our F+C 8x magnifying glasses customized?
We would be happy to contact you after receiving your order and can create a quote with price and delivery time based on a high-quality file of your l...
Magnifying Glass 8x Blackened - Even smaller and more compact but still distortion-free
Magnifying Glass 8x Blackened - Even smaller and more compact but still distortion-free
Our 8x black magnifier features a distortion-free lens system with 8x magnification. Depending on the application, you can order this magnifier in whi...
Strip Plate MM - Measurements can be taken on both light and dark objects
Strip Plate MM - Measurements can be taken on both light and dark objects
By covering the lower part of the scale in the longitudinal direction, it becomes opaque and is thus visible on dark objects. The extended partial lin...
Strip Plate MM/Radii/Angles - Measurements can be taken on both light and dark objects
Strip Plate MM/Radii/Angles - Measurements can be taken on both light and dark objects
By covering the lower part of the scale in the longitudinal direction, it becomes opaque and is thus visible on dark objects. The extended partial lin...

Location and contact

AddressTödistrasse 48, CH-8810 Horgen

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