

Fischbeker Weg 42, Hamburg 21149
Founded: 1935
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10 Product and services

Activated Carbon Filter Type ACH
Activated Carbon Filter Type ACH
Flow rate: up to 7.4 m³/h Type ACH is equipped with single diaphragm valves with pilot valve.
Custom Solutions
Custom Solutions
UO system with acid-resistant piping in stainless steel.
UV Disinfection Type Aquada
UV Disinfection Type Aquada
Flow rate: 1 to 11 m³/h. Operating temperature: 5-25°C Suitable for drinking and process water. This series includes three types, each of which is av...
Bag Filter Type EF/EFG
Bag Filter Type EF/EFG
Flow rate: up to 25 m³/h, pore size of filter bags from 1µm. Ideal for filtration with high flow rates in limited space. Suitable for filtering boile...
Complete Water Treatment Systems
Complete Water Treatment Systems
frame-mounted, ready for immediate use, for maximum safety Water treatment consists of several process stages, such as filtration, softening, and des...
Rental System Frame-Mounted Water Softening Systems
Rental System Frame-Mounted Water Softening Systems
Temporary need for softened water...
Mixed Bed Cartridge SILEX 11-21
Mixed Bed Cartridge SILEX 11-21
Production of deionized water without chemicals - simple, safe, and convenient...
Complete Water Treatment Plants in Containers
Complete Water Treatment Plants in Containers
ready for immediate use, for maximum security...
Nanofiltration Systems
Nanofiltration Systems
Nanofiltration (NF) is a common treatment process for drinking water and industrial process water.
Pressure Filter Series NS / NSB
Pressure Filter Series NS / NSB
Flow rate: up to 12 m³/h. Ideal for filtration in small to medium capacities. Standard version: steel with exterior coating or hot-dip galvanized.

Company images

KesselspeisewasserDistrict heating waterRinse waterDrinking waterProduct waterKlimawasserContainer systemFrame-mounted system

Location and contact

AddressFischbeker Weg 42, DE-21149 Hamburg

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