

Duwijckstraat 17, Lier 2500
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1999
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us
Europem is a leading supplier of torch systems, burners, incinerators, thermal oxidation systems, energy recovery from waste, catalytic oxidation systems, NOx systems, air pollution control technology, heat recovery systems, and environmental technology. We have built over 200 installations in more than 25 countries. Europem is ISO 9001-2008 and 14001 certified and implements an environmental, health, and safety management system compliant with VCA 2008/5 and OHSAS18001.

29 Product and services

Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - High Pressure FlaresNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - High Pressure Flares
High Pressure Flares use the actual pressure of the waste gas to create turbulence, entraining combustion air into the base of the flame to obtain smo...
Specialty Burners - EUROPEM Specialty BurnersNext
Specialty Burners - EUROPEM Specialty Burners
0,00 €
Europem has supplied a large number of specialty burners. These burners are tailored to the specific needs of the client. MultiFuel burners for waste...
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Utility FlaresNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Utility Flares
Utility Flares (Pipe Flares) are the most basic flare design available, to provide a robust, reliable and flexible solution for the flaring of large v...
Handling of ATEX explosive gas mixtures - Mobile ATEXNext
Handling of ATEX explosive gas mixtures - Mobile ATEX
0,00 €
Handling of ATEX explosive gas mixtures Mobile, TÜV approved system consisting of an ATEX zone 0 fan with smokeless flare for treatment of explosive ...
Horizontal and Vertical Incinerators - IncineratorsNext
Horizontal and Vertical Incinerators - Incinerators
0,00 €
Normal incinerators for waste gas and/or waste liquids are used to destroy the hazardous waste streams with an efficiency higher than 99.99% whilst ma...
Incinerators - Waste Heat RecoveryNext
Incinerators - Waste Heat Recovery
0,00 €
Most of the Europem incinerators are equipped with waste heat recovery systems. Europem has supplied a wide range of waste heat recovery installations...
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Ground Flare ModelsNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Ground Flare Models
Ground flares can be either natural draft or forced draft, with or without temperature control and can be equipped with a single burner or with multip...
Incinerators - Redu-reox IncineratorsNext
Incinerators - Redu-reox Incinerators
0,00 €
A Redu-reox incinerator features three reaction chambers for the low NOx combustion of waste streams and fuels with a high organically bound Nitrogen ...
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Flare Tip ModelsNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Flare Tip Models
Europem can supply complete flare systems as well as Flare Tips on their own for replacement or upgrade and refurbishment projects. The following stan...
Tulip Vortex burner - EUROPEMNext
Tulip Vortex burner - EUROPEM
0,00 €
The Tulip Vortex burner was developed specifically for (temperature controlled) combustors for the treatment of lean waste gases and vapours. It emplo...
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Enclosed Ground FlaresNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Enclosed Ground Flares
Enclosed ground flares are suitable for thermal destruction of a wide range of waste gases including rich and lean gas mixtures. Where the burners are...
Specialty Burners - Axial and Radial MultiFuel BurnersNext
Specialty Burners - Axial and Radial MultiFuel Burners
0,00 €
EUROPEM MultiFuel burners have a modular design to allow up to 15 waste gases and liquids to be co-combusted. The main burner body consists of a wind ...
Venturi Flame Holder Burner - Draft Burner - EUROPEM Specialty BurnersNext
Venturi Flame Holder Burner - Draft Burner - EUROPEM Specialty Burners
0,00 €
This Burner design is for use in forced draft or natural draft vertical combustors and thermal oxidisers and has a high turn-down capability. The vent...
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Specialty Flares - Support StructuresNext
Elevated Flares & Ground Flares - Specialty Flares - Support Structures
In addition to the generic flare systems described above, Europem has developed a full range of speciality flares for certain specific applications or...
Incinerators - Fluidised Bed Incinerators
Incinerators - Fluidised Bed Incinerators
0,00 €
A fluidised bed incinerator is the technology of choice for the combustion of many sludge streams or solid waste streams with a high moisture content.

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressDuwijckstraat 17, BE-2500 Lier
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