

Europole, Hambach 57910
Founded: 1974
Employees: 20-49
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About us
Logistics, JIS/JIT We offer tailored solutions. Single-client or multi-client storage, cross-docking, picking, co-packing, customs clearance, etc... Partial or complete management of your JIT/JIS logistics, leveraging our industry experience, tools, and IT networks. With our WMS or the client's system, Altrans adapts to the demand.

8 Product and services

Dedicated Transport
Dedicated Transport
An exclusive provision of vehicles and drivers based on your needs.
You are an e-commerce merchant, in partnership with messengers, entrust us with your products for a successful online sale.
Temperature Controlled Transport
Temperature Controlled Transport
We transport your food, pharmaceutical, or medical products while ensuring your specific temperature conditions.
Freight Forwarding
Freight Forwarding
Diversification and flexibility through organized and regular outsourcing associated with a transport commission.
Logistics, JIS/JIT
Logistics, JIS/JIT
We offer tailored solutions. Single-client or multi-client storage, cross-docking, picking, co-packing, customs clearance, etc... Partial or complet...
National & Regional Transport
National & Regional Transport
National & regional road freight transport for partial or full loads, using conventional or specialized means. Collection, grouping, and distribution,...
Waste Transport & Road Sweeping
Waste Transport & Road Sweeping
At the service of the environment, we offer our expertise for the transport of waste in moving beds as well as road and highway sweeping.
Palletized Messaging
Palletized Messaging
From ½ pallet to 10 pallets, with the support of our Pole network, we deliver across the entire national territory within 24-48 hours.

Location and contact

AddressEuropole, FR-57910 Hambach

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