

Via Xxv Aprile, 7, Valle Salimbene 27010
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1980
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4 Product and services

Anti-terrorism mobile shelters - Anti-terrorism refuges, bulletproof explosion-proof shelters
Anti-terrorism mobile shelters - Anti-terrorism refuges, bulletproof explosion-proof shelters
Shelters designed to provide protection in the event of terrorist attacks, piracy, and armed assaults. They are conceived to offer refuge for several...
Bulletproof Door - Explosion-Resistant Ballistic Doors
Bulletproof Door - Explosion-Resistant Ballistic Doors
Our bulletproof and explosion-proof doors are suitable for a wide range of contexts, not only in military and industrial areas but also in the public ...
Altane - Observation Towers with Bulletproof Guardhouse
Altane - Observation Towers with Bulletproof Guardhouse
Observation or guard posts that allow for a wide view of the area to be monitored. Observation towers provide control personnel with both greater pro...
Bulletproof Guard Posts - Armored Bulletproof Watch Stations
Bulletproof Guard Posts - Armored Bulletproof Watch Stations
Our guard posts, also known as guardhouses or armored guard booths, are designed to protect security personnel from armed attacks. The armored guard ...

Location and contact

AddressVia Xxv Aprile, 7, IT-27010 Valle Salimbene

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