

41 Rue Du Chardelievre, Chateauroux 36000
Delivery: Europe
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19 Product and services

Juicer - Rousselet SA 40
Juicer - Rousselet SA 40
0,00 €
Reference: 2043 Discharge type: pouch Basket: Ø 400 mm Max load: 20 kg Material: INOX 316 L Reference: 2043...
Spin Dryer - Rousselet RC 50 PRXNext
Spin Dryer - Rousselet RC 50 PRX
0,00 €
Reference: 2038 Discharge type: pouch Basket: Ø 500 mm Max load: 40 kg Material: INOX 316 L Reference: 2038...
Juicer - Rousselet SC 70
Juicer - Rousselet SC 70
0,00 €
Reference: 2044 Discharge type: pocket Basket: Ø 700 mm Max load: 80 kg Material: INOX 316 L Reference: 2044...
Ferrum Spin Dryer - Reference: 2045Next
Ferrum Spin Dryer - Reference: 2045
0,00 €
Reference: 2045 Discharge Type: Bottom Material: INOX 316 L...

Location and contact

Address41 Rue Du Chardelievre, FR-36000 Chateauroux
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