

Leopold-Rister-Gasse 5/108, Wien 1050
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2018
Employees: 5-9
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8 Product and services

3D Drone Surveying
3D Drone Surveying
Do you want to set up a photovoltaic system on a field, or are you looking to build a house? We offer you a 3D model of your site - fast, accurate, an...
Building Thermography
Building Thermography
Building thermography has a name! The T-Check from EILT e.U. makes it possible. Energy losses can be costly. Building thermography provides insights ...
Electrical Inspection/Electrical Systems Check (E-Befund, E-Check)
Electrical Inspection/Electrical Systems Check (E-Befund, E-Check)
Do you need a recurring inspection? The E-Check from EILT e.U makes it possible! A recurring inspection of your system is required at regular interva...
PV Damage Assessment
PV Damage Assessment
Severe weather, hail, landslides, or fire? Unfortunately, disasters can happen at any time! With EILT Energy, you are not alone in the event of damag...
Planning and Energy Concept
Planning and Energy Concept
Are you looking for solutions in the energy or sustainability sector? Then you’ve come to the right place! We offer high-quality solutions tailored to...
PV Drone Module Thermography
PV Drone Module Thermography
EILT e.U offers professional module thermography with evaluation. This check is essential for securing yields, especially for larger systems. "Thermo...
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Systems should be regularly checked to secure your yield! The S - Check from EILT Energy makes it possible! Regular inspection of your system ensures...
PV Yield Assessment
PV Yield Assessment
Your system is running smoothly, but the yield doesn't meet your expectations? "The yield of a system is crucial for photovoltaic installations. The...

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Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Location and contact

AddressLeopold-Rister-Gasse 5/108, AT-1050 Wien

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