

21 Rue Santos Dumont, Zone industrielle magré, Limoges Cedex 87001
Delivery: National
Founded: 1994
Employees: 20-49
Supplier type
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About us
We conduct environmental studies as well as expertise in geology and hydrogeology. Our team of professionals ensures the installation of piezometers, studies for sanitation, and the diagnosis of soil and water pollution.

5 Product and services

Polluted Sites and Soils
Polluted Sites and Soils
LEVE: Doubt clearance to determine whether a site falls under the national methodology for polluted sites. / EVAL: Environmental evaluation (or audit)...
EGEH conducts hydrogeological studies. Its experience with various geological contexts enables it to implement the appropriate technical solutions for...
Water Law - I.O.T.A. Files
Water Law - I.O.T.A. Files
EGEH prepares declaration and authorization files in compliance with legislation, covering a variety of fields: - Stormwater management - Creation o...
Non-collective sanitation - Hydrogeopedological studies
Non-collective sanitation - Hydrogeopedological studies
EGEH offers a comprehensive assessment that recommends the most suitable sanitation system. TYPE OF SERVICES: - Hydropedological study; - Rainwater s...
Radon Screening
Radon Screening
Radon screening in public places according to the decree of July 22, 2004, and in workplaces according to the decree of August 7, 2008 (LEVEL 1 OPTION...

Location and contact

Address21 Rue Santos Dumont, Zone industrielle magré, FR-87001 Limoges Cedex
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