Carrer del Marqués de Campo, 46 4 despacho 11,, Dénia, Alicante 03700
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2020
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable tableware
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable tableware
The ECOTON paper lid is perfect for both cold and hot beverages, as well as food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals, or s...
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
The ECOTON paper lid is perfect for both cold and hot beverages, as well as food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals, or s...
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
The ECOTON paper lid is perfect for both cold and hot beverages, as well as food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals, or s...
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for container
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for container
The ECOTON paper lid is perfect for both cold and hot beverages, as well as food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals, or s...
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
paper lid 69 - 91 mm - paper lid for disposable cup
The ECOTON paper lid is perfect for both cold and hot beverages, as well as food products. The lid can be used for containers with rice, cereals, or s...

Location and contact

AddressCarrer del Marqués de Campo, 46 4 despacho 11,, ES-03700 Dénia, Alicante

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