

Lazarettstraße 7-9, Essen 45127
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2018
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Eco Kunst GmbH is a sustainable alternative for eco-friendly household, industrial, and agriculture/garden products. We specialize in all types of jute products, handmade rugs and carpets made from 100% cotton and jute, as well as garden and household baskets made from sea grass, palm, and more. Our great innovations and sourcing will guide you to the world of sustainable living. Our manufacturing unit is Fairtrade and BSCI certified.

4 Product and services

Jute & Cotton Rugs - Rugs & Carpets are made of 100% Jute and 100% Cotton.
Jute & Cotton Rugs - Rugs & Carpets are made of 100% Jute and 100% Cotton.
Our Rugs & Carpets are made of 100% Jute & Cotton. which is highly durable and eco friendly. We are producing high quality hand woven rugs with certif...
Jute Bags for Agriculture & Garden - Producing all types and sizes jute bags for products & Winter protection.
Jute Bags for Agriculture & Garden - Producing all types and sizes jute bags for products & Winter protection.
As a sustainable alternatives of synthetic material, Eco Kunst is offering diverse quality sizes and colors Jute bags for Products and winter protecti...
Jute Decorative Products - Natural & Sustainable Decoration
Jute Decorative Products - Natural & Sustainable Decoration
Jute Yarn & Twin (Multi Colour), Jute Webbing & Decorative products.
Pots & Baskets - Sustainable Handmade
Pots & Baskets - Sustainable Handmade
We are producing pot using natural raw materials Hogla, Seagrass, Bamboos, Palm, Banana Fiber, Jute etc. In different sizes and shapes. Our baskets...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery
D/C - Documentary Collection
SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Location and contact

AddressLazarettstraße 7-9, DE-45127 Essen

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