1 Via Ceresole, Brandizzo 10032
Delivery: Regional
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About us
Eco3 snc produces and distributes its medical devices for ozone therapy and ozone generators for environments and water throughout Italy and abroad. All our products are made in Italy as they are manufactured at our facility located in Brandizzo (TO). We also consider proposals for new designs and productions.

3 Product and services

TE05 - Ozone Generator for Water Treatment
TE05 - Ozone Generator for Water Treatment
The TE05 ozone generator has been specifically designed for use in mini pools and hot tubs. It is the ideal solution for maintaining optimal hygiene c...
Active-O Maxi - Ozone Generator for Environmental Sanitation
Active-O Maxi - Ozone Generator for Environmental Sanitation
The Active-O Maxi is ideal for sanitizing and deodorizing spaces. It is used in the sanitization processes of environments that have suffered damage ...
E100 - Medical device for ozone therapy
E100 - Medical device for ozone therapy
The medical device for ozone therapy model E100 delivers a maximum concentration of oxygen-ozone mixture of 100 µg/ml. All materials in contact with ...

Location and contact

Address1 Via Ceresole, IT-10032 Brandizzo
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