

Philippsruher Allee 4a, Hanau 63450
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2013
Employees: 20-49
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10 Product and services

Vitamin B Complex - 100% Natural from Quinoa
Vitamin B Complex - 100% Natural from Quinoa
Vitamin B Complex - High-Dose & Natural Supplements - 100% plant-based and natural Vitamin B Complex from quinoa sprouts. - High-dose and carefully ...
Magnesium - Magnesium Citrate - Available as Capsules, Powder, or Oil
Magnesium - Magnesium Citrate - Available as Capsules, Powder, or Oil
Magnesium - High-Dose & Pure | Magnesium Supplements - Natural magnesium compounds for particularly good absorption in the body. - To support energy ...
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Natural Extract by Dr. Harich
Grapefruit Seed Extract - Natural Extract by Dr. Harich
- Grapefruit seed extract according to the original recipe of Dr. Harich. - Highly concentrated, thus offering high yield through dilution. - Extrac...
Colloidal Gold - Gold Water with 8 ppm, highly dosed and concentrated
Colloidal Gold - Gold Water with 8 ppm, highly dosed and concentrated
- 8 ppm gold concentration = 8 mg of gold / liter, which is about 400 million gold particles in a teaspoon. - The particle size is approximately 2 to...
Vitamin D3 - Available as Drops and Capsules
Vitamin D3 - Available as Drops and Capsules
Vitamin D3 - Natural Supplements - 100% natural Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) - no artificial additives. - Sourced from lanolin (wool wax) - from Ger...
Vitamin C - 100% Acerola Extract
Vitamin C - 100% Acerola Extract
Natural Vitamin C - from 100% Acerola Cherry - 100% natural Acerola cherry powder extract. - No synthetically added ascorbic acid. - Comparison winne...
Vitamin K K2 - in Capsules and Drops
Vitamin K K2 - in Capsules and Drops
Vitamin K2 - natural & high-dose Menachinon MK7 All Trans - High-dose Vitamin K2 - Menachinon MK7. - 100% natural Vitamin K2 - no artificial additive...
OPC Grape Seed Extract - 100% derived from grape seed extract
OPC Grape Seed Extract - 100% derived from grape seed extract
OPC Grape Seed Extract from French Grape Seeds - with Analysis Certificate - 100% grape seed extract from French grape seeds. - Guaranteed and specif...
Colloidal Silver - Silver Water in 10 ppm & 25 ppm - also available as Spray or Cream
Colloidal Silver - Silver Water in 10 ppm & 25 ppm - also available as Spray or Cream
- 10 ppm silver concentration = 10 mg silver / liter. - 25 ppm silver concentration = 25 mg silver / liter. - Purified water and pure silver with a ...
MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane - Available in capsules, powder, and liquid
MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane - Available in capsules, powder, and liquid
MSM - Methylsulfonylmethane = organic sulfur - Highly concentrated and 99.9% pure through multiple distillation. - Analyzed and tested raw material f...

Location and contact

AddressPhilippsruher Allee 4a, DE-63450 Hanau

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