

Edesheimer Straße 51, Rhodt 76835
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1980
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Hose Reel - DR 200
Hose Reel - DR 200
0,00 €
Spring return, hose locking, wall mountable with 180° swivel, can be installed in any position. Max. 8 bar / 50°C, 14m - 5/8" PVC water hose, plastic ...
Cable Reel - Accessories
Cable Reel - Accessories
0,00 €
Roller window for wall passage. Roller passage interior: Width 65mm x Height 34mm, hole diameter = 7mm, hole spacing 150mm. Roller window for wall mo...
Spray Gun - Type HL
Spray Gun - Type HL
0,00 €
Infinitely adjustable, plug-in system connection...
Federbalancer - FBM 100
Federbalancer - FBM 100
0,00 €
Adjustable pulling force 2-4kg, rope length 250cm Spring balancer, aluminum housing, mounting via 2 mounting eyes. The spring balancers of the FBM mo...
Hose Reel - SWE 100
Hose Reel - SWE 100
0,00 €
Messing swivel joint, metal drum holder with plastic bearing bushings. Capacity 80m - 1/2" / 50m - 3/4" PVC hose, Max. 8bar / 50°C, frame and drum in ...

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Location and contact

AddressEdesheimer Straße 51, DE-76835 Rhodt

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