Bildstrasse 2a, St. Gallen 9015
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9 Product and services

Vehicle Transporter: FTK 153520  CHF 4000.00
Vehicle Transporter: FTK 153520 CHF 4000.00
Total weight: 1,500 kg, Payload: 1,060 kg, Interior length: 3,500 mm, Interior width: 2,000 mm, Interior height: 50 mm, Loading height: 580 mm Total ...
Kippanhänger HUK 152314   CHF 4100.00
Kippanhänger HUK 152314 CHF 4100.00
Total weight: 1,500 kg, Payload: 1,100 kg, Interior length: 2,300 mm, Interior width: 1,400 mm, Interior height: 300 mm, Loading height: 640 mm Total...
Market and Sales Trailer: Type 300
Market and Sales Trailer: Type 300
Frame / Table width 120 cm • Table height 70 cm • Driving height approx. 170 cm • Payload 1000 kg braked (overloads possible) Type 300 LVA – variable...
Boat Trailer: EXCELLERON
Boat Trailer: EXCELLERON
The Vanclaes Excelleron series is the ideal solution for speed or motorboats with a V-shaped hull. The Excelleron series is suitable for boats weighin...
Humbaur: Equitos Plywood 2400 Fr. 6970.00
Humbaur: Equitos Plywood 2400 Fr. 6970.00
with wooden side walls, total weight: 2,400 kg, payload: 1,568 kg, interior length: 3,157 mm, interior width: 1,654 mm, interior height: 2,300 mm, loa...
Single-Axle Trailer: Steely CHF 910.00
Single-Axle Trailer: Steely CHF 910.00
unbraked, total weight: 750 kg, payload: 630 kg, interior length: 2,050 mm, interior width: 1,095 mm, interior height: 300 mm, loading height: 495 mm ...
Vehicle Trailer: HTV 243016 AG   CHF 9500.00
Vehicle Trailer: HTV 243016 AG CHF 9500.00
front straight, total weight: 2,400 kg, payload: 1,610 kg, interior length: 3,125 mm, interior width: 1,700 mm, interior height: 1,850 mm, loading hei...
Absence Trailer: Senko 353016  CHF 11130.00
Absence Trailer: Senko 353016 CHF 11130.00
Senko 35 30 16 welded box `14, total weight: 2,500 kg, payload: 2,740 kg, interior length: 3,000 mm, interior width: 1,600 mm, interior height: 270 mm...
Luggage Tag: HK 132513-15P  CHF 3,930.00
Luggage Tag: HK 132513-15P CHF 3,930.00
A door at the back, door opening dimensions 1205 x 1470, 3 pairs of tie-down points, total weight: 1,300 kg, payload: 892 kg Interior length: 2,510 m...

Location and contact

AddressBildstrasse 2a, CH-9015 St. Gallen
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