Koning Willem-Alexanderlaan 195, Zevenhuizen 2761 HK
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 2003
Employees: 5-9
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About us
We are the specialist in blower and vacuum technology with expertise in various market segments, where the customer is at the center! We supply vacuum pumps, side channel blowers, air knives, and more. With a large inventory, competitive prices, and fast delivery, we are your reliable supplier.

4 Product and services

DVP SC5 Vacuum Pump - DVP Dry Running Vacuum Pump
DVP SC5 Vacuum Pump - DVP Dry Running Vacuum Pump
Dry-running rotary vane vacuum pumps are essential for creating vacuum environments without using liquid as a lubricant. These rotary vane pumps draw ...
DVP 2BV2 - DVP Liquid Ring Pump
DVP 2BV2 - DVP Liquid Ring Pump
At DOVAC, we offer various versions of liquid ring vacuum pumps, including single-stage and two-stage variants. The main difference between the two is...
Air Gauge - Air Gauge, in Stainless Steel or Aluminum
Air Gauge - Air Gauge, in Stainless Steel or Aluminum
Our DOVAC air knives provide an innovative solution for efficiently using compressed air for cooling, drying, or cleaning products in various industri...
DVP LC2 / LC4 - DVP Oil-Lubricated Vacuum Pump
DVP LC2 / LC4 - DVP Oil-Lubricated Vacuum Pump
Oil-lubricated single-stage rotary vane vacuum pumps are an essential component in creating vacuum environments, using oil for lubrication. These rota...

Location and contact

AddressKoning Willem-Alexanderlaan 195, NL-2761 HK Zevenhuizen

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