

Çengeldere Mah. Çengeldere Cad. No:57 Beykoz, Istanbul 34830
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Employees: 1000+
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8 Product and services

EU7 Marmara Marble Tomb – Tomb Construction in Europe - EU-7 Marmara Marble Tomb
EU7 Marmara Marble Tomb – Tomb Construction in Europe - EU-7 Marmara Marble Tomb
Stone Type: Marmara White Marble Headstone Thickness: 10cm Body Thickness: 10cm The inscription on the headstone is carved using a CNC machine. You...
EU34 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb - Tomb Construction Sales in Europe - Eu-34 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb
EU34 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb - Tomb Construction Sales in Europe - Eu-34 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb
Stone Type: Nero Gaska Granite Headstone Thickness: 14cm Body Thickness: 5-13cm The delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production takes place a...
EU41 Black Gaska Granite Tombstone – Tombstone Sales to Europe
EU41 Black Gaska Granite Tombstone – Tombstone Sales to Europe
Eu-41 Nero Gaska Grave Stone Type: Nero Gaska Granite Headstone Thickness: 8cm Delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production is carried out in our...
EU21 Absolute Black Granite Tombstone - Export Model for Tombstones to Europe
EU21 Absolute Black Granite Tombstone - Export Model for Tombstones to Europe
Stone Type: Absolute Black Granite Headstone Thickness: 8cm Body Thickness: 10cm The delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production is carried o...
EU36 Minho Absolute Black Granite Tombstone – Sell Tombstones to Europe - Eu-36 Minho and Absolute Black Granite Tombstone
EU36 Minho Absolute Black Granite Tombstone – Sell Tombstones to Europe - Eu-36 Minho and Absolute Black Granite Tombstone
Stone Type: Minho and Absolute Black Granite Headstone Thickness: 8cm Body Thickness: 5-10cm The delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production ...
EU33 Star Galaxy and Beta Granite Tombstone
EU33 Star Galaxy and Beta Granite Tombstone
Stone Type: Star Galaxy and Beta Gray Granite Headstone Thickness 6cm Body Thickness 6-10cm The delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production i...
EU3 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb – Tomb Construction for Europe
EU3 Nero Gaska Granite Tomb – Tomb Construction for Europe
Eu-3 Nero Gaska Granite Grave Stone Type: Nero Gaska Granite Headstone Thickness 8cm - Delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production is carried ou...
EU29 Beta Nero Gaska Granite Tombstone – Tombstone Manufacturing in Europe
EU29 Beta Nero Gaska Granite Tombstone – Tombstone Manufacturing in Europe
Eu-29 Beta N.Gaska Granite Grave Stone Type: Beta and Nero Gaska Granite Headstone K - Delivery time is a maximum of 5 weeks. Production is carried ou...

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Location and contact

AddressÇengeldere Mah. Çengeldere Cad. No:57 Beykoz, TR-34830 Istanbul

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