

Waldstr.183, Köln 51147
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2001
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us
We are a high-performance company in the field of sealing technology. Our focus is on seals for pneumatics and hydraulics in machinery and plant engineering. We can offer the optimal solution in sealing technology from a variety of designs and material qualities for practically every application. Customer satisfaction is our top priority! We stand for quality, service, personal consultation, and adherence to deadlines.

2 Product and services

Form seals, O-rings; Nut rings - Form seals in 4 weeks
Form seals, O-rings; Nut rings - Form seals in 4 weeks
The seals you need urgently, available as standard or custom profiles. (Scrapers, rod seals, piston seals, rotor seals, support rings, and more.) Flat...
Form seals, O-rings; Nut rings - Seals for hydraulic and pneumatic applications, seal manufacturing
Form seals, O-rings; Nut rings - Seals for hydraulic and pneumatic applications, seal manufacturing
Our sealing program offers all standard dimensions according to internationally standardized installation spaces, pressures, and qualities. If a dimen...

Location and contact

AddressWaldstr.183, DE-51147 Köln
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