

Solothurnstrasse 136, Biel 6 /bienne 6 2500
Founded: 1935
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About us

3 Product and services

Precision Tools - 'Everything from a single source' is the motto at Diametal.
Precision Tools - 'Everything from a single source' is the motto at Diametal.
We offer you complete machining expertise in the production of turned parts and gears. Turning, gearing, and rolling are our main disciplines - and th...
Grinding Tools - THE solution with our high-precision and high-performance grinding tools!
Grinding Tools - THE solution with our high-precision and high-performance grinding tools!
We offer standard versions from stock as well as custom-bound and galvanic precision grinding tools, as well as diamond and CBN grinding wheels for do...
Wear Parts - 'What is stated on the customer drawing is valid!'
Wear Parts - 'What is stated on the customer drawing is valid!'
We stand by this! – and our long-term customers appreciate it. For years, the name Diametal has been synonymous with custom manufacturing of wear part...

Location and contact

AddressSolothurnstrasse 136, CH-2500 Biel 6 /bienne 6

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