

gazi mah 1384/3 sokak no3/b sultangazi istanbul, Istanbul 34260
Delivery: Worldwide
Employees: 5-9
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9 Product and services

single pendant chandelier
single pendant chandelier
Height: 45 cm Diameter: 38 cm Socket Type: E-27, Suitable for 1 piece Max 60W usage. (Bulb is not included.)...
Vienna Single Yellow Coating
Vienna Single Yellow Coating
Height: 45 cm Diameter: 38 cm Warranty Period: 12 months. Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 3 pieces, 60W each. (Bulbs are not inc...
Vienna 3-piece Antique Set
Vienna 3-piece Antique Set
Height: 45 cm Diameter: 38 cm Warranty Period: 12 months. Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 3 pieces, 60W each. (Bulbs are not inc...
Salda 24-Lamp Single Black Chandelier - Pendant Chandelier
Salda 24-Lamp Single Black Chandelier - Pendant Chandelier
Height: 45 cm Diameter: 38 cm Socket Type: E-27, Suitable for 1 piece Max 60W usage. (Bulb is not included.)...
dining table - pendant chandelier
dining table - pendant chandelier
Height: 65 cm Diameter: 38 cm Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 5 bulbs, 60W each. (Bulbs are not included.)...
salda pendant light - 3-light pendant chandelier
salda pendant light - 3-light pendant chandelier
Height: 75 cm Diameter: 38 cm Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 3 bulbs, 60W each. (Bulbs are not included.)...
3-Light Pendant Chandelier
3-Light Pendant Chandelier
Height: 75 cm Diameter: 30 cm Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 3 bulbs, 60W each. (Bulbs are not included.)...
square profile chandelier - set of 5
square profile chandelier - set of 5
Height: 75 cm Diameter: 38 cm Socket Type: E-27, suitable for use with a maximum of 3 bulbs, 60W each. (Bulb shipping is not included.)...
Embroidered Single - Pendant Chandelier
Embroidered Single - Pendant Chandelier
Height: 45 cm Diameter: 38 cm . Socket Type: E-27, Suitable for 1 Max 60W. (Bulb is not included.)...

Location and contact

Addressgazi mah 1384/3 sokak no3/b sultangazi istanbul, TR-34260 Istanbul

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