

Willy-Brandt-Weg 13, Münster 48155
Founded: 2003
Employees: 20-49
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37 Product and services

Organic Sunflower Seeds
Organic Sunflower Seeds
Organic sunflower seeds of the highest organic quality sourced from China and Eastern Europe.
Organic Coconut Milk
Organic Coconut Milk
Organic coconut milk in the best organic quality sourced from Sri Lanka.
White Organic Beans
White Organic Beans
White organic beans of the highest organic quality sourced from China.
Organic Coconut Oil
Organic Coconut Oil
The coconut flesh is grated, blended with water, and then filtered using a cloth. The resulting milk is skimmed, homogenized, and canned. The fat cont...
Organic Brazil Nuts, whole, brown
Organic Brazil Nuts, whole, brown
Organic Brazil nuts of the highest quality sourced from Bolivia.
Black Organic Beans
Black Organic Beans
Black organic beans in the best organic quality sourced from China.
Organic Brown Flaxseed
Organic Brown Flaxseed
Organic flaxseeds of the highest organic quality sourced from Eastern Europe, China, India, and Argentina.
Organic Walnuts
Organic Walnuts
Organic walnuts of the highest quality sourced from Moldova.
Organic Mung Beans
Organic Mung Beans
Organic mung beans of the highest organic quality sourced from China.
Organic Buckwheat
Organic Buckwheat
Organic buckwheat of the highest organic quality sourced from China.
Green Organic Peas
Green Organic Peas
Our Estonian and Canadian organic peas shine with their intense flavor. Moreover, their round shape and green color are a true feast for the eyes. Ask...
Red Organic Lentils
Red Organic Lentils
Red organic lentils of the highest organic quality sourced from Turkey.
Organic Raisins
Organic Raisins
Organic sultanas of the highest organic quality sourced from Turkey and Uzbekistan.
Organic Macadamia Nuts
Organic Macadamia Nuts
Organic Macadamia Nuts in the finest organic quality sourced from Kenya.
Organic Chickpeas
Organic Chickpeas
Organic chickpeas of the highest organic quality sourced from Turkey.

Location and contact

AddressWilly-Brandt-Weg 13, DE-48155 Münster

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