

Alte Bahnhofstrasse 11, Schweinfurt 97422
Founded: 1920
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About us
Specialist in the development of custom masterbatches for a wide range of polymers. Areas of expertise include WPC masterbatch, ABS and PA masterbatch, BIO masterbatch.

9 Product and services

Powder Pigments & Pigment Preparations
Powder Pigments & Pigment Preparations
Custom pigment blends for plastic processing (injection molding, rotational casting, compounds) and for resin applications, as well as for artists & r...
Our competent coloristics team is here to support you in the implementation of your projects. "Benefit from our know-how." The variety of colors, com...
Tailor Made Masterbatches according to color samples based on a sample part and relevant color charts such as RAL, Pantone, HKS, or NCS. Our masterba...
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Custom pigment blends for profile extrusion, injection molding applications, and compound manufacturing. Many of our customers today rely on our pigm...
Color Development
Color Development
From development to production of color concentrates, it is a long and labor-intensive process.
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Custom pigment blends for profile extrusion, injection molding applications, and compound manufacturing. Many of our customers today rely on our pigm...
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Pigments, Pigment Preparations
Custom pigment blends for profile extrusion, injection molding applications, and compound manufacturing. Many of our customers today rely on our pigm...
Synthetic Resin Paints
Synthetic Resin Paints
Our color concentrates for synthetic resin applications are available in all RAL colors for EP, UP, MMA, and PUR. These pigment mixtures are highly c...
Artist Pigments for Artists & Restorers
Artist Pigments for Artists & Restorers
Finest artist and study pigments for commercial use. Production is partly still done on historical grinding mills.

Location and contact

AddressAlte Bahnhofstrasse 11, DE-97422 Schweinfurt

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