

Theodor-Marwitz-Strasse 7, Lüneburg 21337
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1984
Employees: 20-49
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9 Product and services

Dry Ice Blasting Machine DC 280
Dry Ice Blasting Machine DC 280
The DC 280 Dry Ice Blasting Machine - 100% Pneumatic Works without the need for a power source Wide range of applications for medium to heavy cleaning...
Dry Ice Blaster DC 480
Dry Ice Blaster DC 480
The DC 480 single-hose system is mobile, electropneumatic, and easy to use.
Dry Ice Blasting Machine DC 50
Dry Ice Blasting Machine DC 50
DC 50 Dry Ice Blasting Machine The Entry into Dry Ice Blasting Low Investment Costs - Great Benefit for Your Company The DC 50 offers all the advanta...
With our angled nozzles, you can reach even hard-to-access areas. They are available for DC 50, LT 50, DC 280, LT 280, and LT 380. Our flat nozzles e...
Abrasive Sets
Abrasive Sets
At the request and suggestion of many users and customers, we have developed an Abrasive Set for the devices of the Vario Line and Classic Line. With...
Dry Ice Blasting Machine DCE 80
Dry Ice Blasting Machine DCE 80
The DC 80 single hose system is mobile, economical, and easy to use.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
To avoid injuries and to protect the health of users of our ice blasting equipment, wearing appropriate protective gear is essential. Therefore, sinc...
Abrasive Material
Abrasive Material
Glass beads with a diameter of 150 – 250 µm.
Hose Packages
Hose Packages
We offer you various hose packages for all devices in the Classic Line, Vario Line, and Single Line to extend the standard hoses. Additionally, you c...

Location and contact

AddressTheodor-Marwitz-Strasse 7, DE-21337 Lüneburg

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