

Fatih mahallesi, Sanayi Caddesi, No : 15 ,,Gaziemir,Izmir/Turkey, Izmir 35410
Founded: 1975
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9 Product and services

DC Bathroom Cabinet 01
DC Bathroom Cabinet 01
DC Bathroom Cabinet; It is a modular kitchen cabinet designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. Made with melamine-faced pa...
DC Kitchen 03
DC Kitchen 03
DC Kitchen Cabinet; It is a modular kitchen cabinet designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. It features a body made of M...
DC Clothing Room 01
DC Clothing Room 01
DC Wardrobe; It is a modular wardrobe designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. The body is made of Melamine-faced Particl...
DC Kitchen 05
DC Kitchen 05
DC Kitchen Cabinet; It is a modular kitchen cabinet designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. Made with melamine-faced par...
DC Kitchen 04
DC Kitchen 04
DC Kitchen Cabinet; It is a modular kitchen cabinet designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. The body is made of Melamine...
DC Wooden Wall Covering 01
DC Wooden Wall Covering 01
Custom Design Wall Coverings...
DC Living Room 01
DC Living Room 01
DC Meeting Room; These are products that are designed and produced modularly, specifically tailored for projects and/or customers. They feature a bod...
DC Interior Door 01
DC Interior Door 01
DC Interior Door; It is a door that is designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or customer, produced modularly. It can be manufactured w...
DC Kitchen 02
DC Kitchen 02
DC Kitchen Cabinet; It is a modular kitchen cabinet designed and drawn specifically for the project and/or the customer. The body is made of melamine...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer
Credit card

Payment terms

SLOC - Standby Letter of Credit

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressFatih mahallesi, Sanayi Caddesi, No : 15 ,,Gaziemir,Izmir/Turkey, TR-35410 Izmir

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