

Koblenzer Strasse 43, Wissen 57537
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2002
Employees: 100-199
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7 Product and services

DALEX Hand Welding PliersNext
DALEX Hand Welding Pliers
Easy to handle, flexible in use – with DALEX spot welding pliers, you can securely and stably join sheets even in hard-to-reach areas of the body and ...
DALEX TransformersNext
DALEX Transformers
Our DALEX transformers are successfully used in our own welding machines – from handheld welding torches to stationary welding machines. The advantag...
DALEX Accessories and ComponentsNext
DALEX Accessories and Components
All original parts are ideally matched to your DALEX product and are reliably available. In resistance welding machines, electrical energy is transmi...
Special Equipment WeldingNext
Special Equipment Welding
Welding special machine construction is our core competency, including robotic cells, rotary table solutions, linked systems, robot vision, assembly a...
DALEX Robot GrippersNext
DALEX Robot Grippers
We offer you complex solutions – creating systems and manufacturing cells that perfectly meet your individual requirements while ensuring speed and hi...
DALEX Power ToolsNext
DALEX Power Tools
With 14 graduated spot welding machines offering the best price-performance ratio, we provide you with a comprehensive modular system with numerous mo...
Industrial Machine Series PMSNext
Industrial Machine Series PMS
With the PMS series, we offer you a machine program that convincingly demonstrates its performance in a variety of industrial applications and meets a...

Location and contact

AddressKoblenzer Strasse 43, DE-57537 Wissen

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