

Powstańców 1863r 12, Łowicz 99-400
Delivery: Europe
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Balloon Stand, Styrofoam Ball Stands
Balloon Stand, Styrofoam Ball Stands
Decorative stands for polystyrene balls. We offer stands that accommodate balls of 8cm, 10cm, 12cm, 15cm, and 20cm.
Feathers in a Box
Feathers in a Box
Feathers in a box made of thick die-cut foil. Feathers available in dozens of colors.
Paper Ribbon
Paper Ribbon
Paper ribbon available in dozens of colors. Stiff and wide. Perfect for floristry.
Styrofoam Ball Ornaments
Styrofoam Ball Ornaments
Styrofoam balls in sizes 8cm, 10cm, 12cm, 15cm. Polish product. High quality.
Feathers in a box
Feathers in a box
Dyed decorative feathers packed in a blister box.

Location and contact

AddressPowstańców 1863r 12, PL-99-400 Łowicz
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