

Solvaystraße 5, Industriezone ii, Sankt Vith 4780
Delivery: Europe
Founded: 1988
Employees: 5-9
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About us

13 Product and services

SPECIAL PARTS - Special Parts and Custom FabricationsNext
SPECIAL PARTS - Special Parts and Custom Fabrications
Anything but standard: Despite our wide-ranging product selection, we are regularly engaged in the production of custom customer requests. Just let us...
Gravel Washing
Gravel Washing
0,00 €
Service Offering C-Metal wear parts for concrete mixers are tailored to meet the specific requirements of our customers. The carefully selected materi...
Double Wave MixerNext
Double Wave Mixer
0,00 €
Service Offering C-Metal wear parts for concrete mixers are tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. The materials used strategically r...
Blade - Blade for Wheel Loader
Blade - Blade for Wheel Loader
Metal processing is our daily passion. Therefore, we offer our customers a comprehensive portfolio of spare parts, which includes, among other things,...
Mixing Buckets - Mixing Buckets made of Hard CastNext
Mixing Buckets - Mixing Buckets made of Hard Cast
Whether you need paddle, single-shaft, or double-shaft mixers – thanks to our versatile product range, which has steadily expanded over the past few y...
Teller MixerNext
Teller Mixer
0,00 €
Service Offer C-Metal wear parts for concrete mixers are tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. The carefully selected materials, co...
STRIPPER - Stripper made of hard castNext
STRIPPER - Stripper made of hard cast
For widely used mixer types or rarely used mixers – you will always find the right spare parts with us. Our range also includes a variety of different...
Gravel weights made of wear-resistant steel (Gravel weights made of wear-resistant steel (Type 500HB) & Gravel weights made of cast iron Only with ab...
Mixing Outfits
Mixing Outfits
Mixer linings made of hard cast for trough mixers and pan mixers...
Single-Screw MixerNext
Single-Screw Mixer
0,00 €
Service Offer C-Metal wear parts for concrete mixers are tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. The carefully selected materials, co...
Mixer Arms
Mixer Arms
Mixer arms made from a single casting...
Mixing Outfits
Mixing Outfits
Mixer linings made of wear-resistant steel...
Mixing Outfits
Mixing Outfits
Mixer linings made of custom-welded steel...

Location and contact

AddressSolvaystraße 5, Industriezone ii, BE-4780 Sankt Vith

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