

St Andrews Park, Queens Lane, Bromfield Industrial Estate, Mold CH7 1XB
United Kingdom
Delivery: National
Employees: 5-9
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6 Product and services

Secured Business Loans
Secured Business Loans
A secured business loan enables your business to access larger funding amounts by securing business assets against the loan.
Merchant Cash Advance
Merchant Cash Advance
A Merchant cash advance is a flexible unsecured funding solution that allows your business to borrow against your future credit and debit card sales.
Asset Finance
Asset Finance
Asset finance gives your business the opportunity to re-finance exiting assets or rent equipment / vehicles over a period of time.
Invoice Finance
Invoice Finance
Invoice Finance allows you to unlock the cash tied up in your unpaid invoices.
Start Up Loans
Start Up Loans
If you have a new business idea that you need to get off the ground a start up business loan can help accelerate your growth.
Unsecured Business Loans
Unsecured Business Loans
An unsecured business loan lets your business access funding without having to secure it against any business assets...

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Location and contact

AddressSt Andrews Park, Queens Lane, Bromfield Industrial Estate, GB-CH7 1XB Mold

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