

22, Avenue du Forez, B.p.13, Aurec-Sur-Loire 43110
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1933
Employees: 20-49
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5 Product and services

Solid Carbide Circular Saw Blades - Range
Solid Carbide Circular Saw Blades - Range
0,00 €
In accordance with the standards DIN 1837 and DIN 1838. The high-quality tools are used for processing high-strength materials or to extend the lifesp...
Carbide-tipped Circular Saw Blades - Range
Carbide-tipped Circular Saw Blades - Range
0,00 €
Features: – High precision – High-quality cuts – Smooth operation – Reduced cutting time – Exceptionally long lifespan Compatible with the following...
Specially Designed Circular Saw Blades - Range
Specially Designed Circular Saw Blades - Range
0,00 €
Our manufacturing program also includes circular saw blades in special designs for specific applications. Radius cutters, conical cutters, and bevel ...
Circular Knife - Assortment
Circular Knife - Assortment
0,00 €
CALEYRON INDUSTRIES offers a wide range of circular knives made from HSS M2, HSS-E M35, HSS-E M42, and solid carbide. They are primarily used for cutt...
HSS and HSS-E Metal Circular Saw Blades - Range
HSS and HSS-E Metal Circular Saw Blades - Range
0,00 €
The saw blades are manufactured from HSS or HSS-E according to DIN 1837 and DIN 1838. The heat treatment is tailored to each material using a proven m...

Location and contact

Address22, Avenue du Forez, B.p.13, FR-43110 Aurec-Sur-Loire

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