

Wannenäckerstr. 63/1, Heilbronn 74078
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2014
Employees: 20-49
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29 Product and services

PE 1000 Green Round Bars (1Mtr.)Next
PE 1000 Green Round Bars (1Mtr.)
Highly wear-resistant Especially resistant to chemicals High abrasion resistance PE 1000 / PE UHMW Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene PE 1000,...
POM C black sheets 20 – 100 mm thicknessNext
POM C black sheets 20 – 100 mm thickness
Very good sliding properties Good machinability Resistant to many chemicals Polyoxymethylene Copolymer (POM C) POM C is an extremely stable plastic ...
PA 6 G natural sheets 6 – 15 mm thicknessNext
PA 6 G natural sheets 6 – 15 mm thickness
Ideal sliding properties Highly abrasion-resistant Good toughness Polyamide 6 Cast (PA 6 Cast) The high molecular weight, semi-crystalline thermopla...
PE 1000 Natural Sheets 20 – 60 mm ThicknessNext
PE 1000 Natural Sheets 20 – 60 mm Thickness
Highly wear-resistant Especially resistant to chemicals High abrasion resistance PE 1000 / PE UHMW Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene PE 1000,...
PA 6 G black sheets 20 – 100 mm thickness
PA 6 G black sheets 20 – 100 mm thickness
Ideal sliding properties Highly abrasion-resistant Good toughness Polyamide 6 Cast (PA 6 Cast) The high molecular weight, semi-crystalline thermopla...
Plastic Turned Parts - Plastic Turned Parts
Plastic Turned Parts - Plastic Turned Parts
CNC Turned Parts Made of Plastic...
Engineering Plastics - Engineering Plastics
Engineering Plastics - Engineering Plastics
Technical Plastics...
PA 6 G natural round rods (1m)
PA 6 G natural round rods (1m)
Ideal sliding properties Highly abrasion-resistant Good toughness Polyamide 6 Cast (PA 6 Cast) The high molecular weight, semi-crystalline thermopla...
PE 1000 Black Round Bars (1 Meter)Next
PE 1000 Black Round Bars (1 Meter)
Highly wear-resistant Especially resistant to chemicals High abrasion resistance PE 1000 / PE UHMW Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene PE 1000,...
POM C Natural Sheets 20 – 100 mm ThicknessNext
POM C Natural Sheets 20 – 100 mm Thickness
Very good sliding properties Good machinability Resistant to many chemicals Polyoxymethylene Copolymer (POM C) POM C is an extremely stable plastic ...
PA 6 G black sheets 6 – 15 mm thicknessNext
PA 6 G black sheets 6 – 15 mm thickness
Ideal sliding properties Especially abrasion-resistant Good toughness Polyamide 6 Cast (PA 6 Cast) The high molecular weight, semi-crystalline therm...
PA 6 G black round rods (1m)Next
PA 6 G black round rods (1m)
Ideal sliding properties Highly abrasion-resistant Good toughness Polyamide 6 Cast (PA 6 Cast) The high molecular weight, semi-crystalline thermopla...
POM C black round rods (1m)Next
POM C black round rods (1m)
Very good sliding properties Good machinability Resistant to many chemicals Polyoxymethylene Copolymer (POM C) POM C is an extremely stable plastic ...
PE 1000 black sheets 65 – 80 mm thicknessNext
PE 1000 black sheets 65 – 80 mm thickness
Highly wear-resistant Especially resistant to chemicals High abrasion resistance PE 1000 / PE UHMW Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene PE 1000,...
PTFE Round Rods (1m)Next
PTFE Round Rods (1m)
Continuous service temperature up to 260 °C Excellent chemical resistance Outstanding sliding/friction properties Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) The...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

Clean Payment

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressWannenäckerstr. 63/1, DE-74078 Heilbronn

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