Im Wasen 9, Villingendorf 78667
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6 Product and services

Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 362
Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 362
Worm Grinding Machine based on a Reishauer RZ 362 / RZS / RZ 361 Technical Data: Workpiece: Workpiece Ø: 10 – 360 mm Module: 0.5 – 7 mm Inclination ...
Honring Profiling Machine PM 400 H
Honring Profiling Machine PM 400 H
Profiling machine PM 400 H for profiling honing ring blanks, reaming worn honing rings, and re-profiling for a new tooth pattern. With the PM400H, al...
Profile Machine PM 550 T
Profile Machine PM 550 T
CNC Profiling Machine for the Gear Industry and many other applications. Profiling of grinding wheels for: Gear Grinding Machines, Profile Grinding Ma...
Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 331
Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 331
Worm Grinding Machine based on a Reishauer RZ 301 / RZ 301 AS / AZA Technical Data: Workpiece: - Workpiece Ø: 10 – 330 mm - Module: 0.5 – 7 mm - Tap...
Roll Grinding Machine BZ 130
Roll Grinding Machine BZ 130
Double-Spindle High-Performance Grinding Machine with Patented Axis Arrangement and Integrated Loading System Technical Data: Workpiece Ø: 10 – 130 m...
Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 220
Tooth Flank Grinding Machine BZ 220
High-performance rolling grinding machine based on a Reishauer RZ 300 E / NZA / OZA Technical Data: Workpiece: Workpiece Ø: 10 – 220 mm Module: 0.5 –...

Location and contact

AddressIm Wasen 9, DE-78667 Villingendorf
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