

Wehreyering 31, Visp 3930
Founded: 1965
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7 Product and services

Foil Sealing Machine
Foil Sealing Machine
Customer-oriented welding machine for welding aluminum, paper composite, and/or plastic bags. Vacuum and inerting functions available, ATEX versions a...
Semi-Automatic Welding Machine ISP(V)
Semi-Automatic Welding Machine ISP(V)
The semi-automatic welding machines of type ISP(V) are used wherever bags need to be tightly sealed after a filling process.
BUC Dosing Device
BUC Dosing Device
The dosing devices are used wherever highly viscous powder or granulate products need to be dosed, and the highest standards for the cleaning process ...
Pack-Off Unit in Containment
Pack-Off Unit in Containment
With the Pack-Off Unit, your product can be filled in containment. An intelligent pressure handling system allows for a dosing accuracy of +/- 10g. Mo...
Fully Automatic Welding Machine MK7
Fully Automatic Welding Machine MK7
The fully automatic welding machines of type MK7 are used wherever bags need to be sealed tightly after a filling process without any intervention fro...
Filling Machines
Filling Machines
Filling machines in various designs for a wide range of applications. Chemical, pharmaceutical, or food industry. Available optionally with a built-in...
Conveyor Belts
Conveyor Belts
The conveyor belts are used wherever unstable containers, such as bags, need to be transported. Typically, the conveyor belts are integrated directly ...

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AddressWehreyering 31, CH-3930 Visp
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