

1 Rue Pierre Jacquart, Harnes 62440
Founded: 2022
Employees: 5-9
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About us
Bulteau Services provides you with AdBlue® for SCR-equipped diesel, windshield washer fluid, coolant, and engine oils. We also supply you with PPE such as gloves, masks, and disinfectants.

4 Product and services

10-liter AdBlue® container with spout. The pallet of
10-liter AdBlue® container with spout. The pallet of
AdBlue® in 10L cans with an extendable spout (from 135mm to 235mm). Made in France 🇫🇷 Made in France. Palette of 63 cans of 10 liters. Compliance with...
AdBlue® in bulk. Minimum 5000 liters
AdBlue® in bulk. Minimum 5000 liters
AdBlue® in bulk delivered to you with a minimum of 5000 liters. ISO 22241 compliance. Delivery in mainland France (excluding Corsica) & Belgium upon...
1000 LITRE ADBLUE® IBC TANK - Available with or without deposit.
1000 LITRE ADBLUE® IBC TANK - Available with or without deposit.
Tank deposit, value €100 excluding VAT, payable upon first delivery. Exchangeable for subsequent orders.
4 AdBlue® drums of 210 liters. That is 840 liters of AdBlue®
4 AdBlue® drums of 210 liters. That is 840 liters of AdBlue®
840 Liters of AdBlue® in 4 barrels of 210 Liters. ISO 22241 compliance.

Keywords3 keywords

Location and contact

Address1 Rue Pierre Jacquart, FR-62440 Harnes

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