Otto-Suhr-Allee 106c, Berlin 10585
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4 Product and services

Technical Translations
Technical Translations
The expertise of our translators covers texts from the field of mechanical and electronic engineering. We translate from the automotive industry, con...
Translations with official certification by our state-certified translators
Translations with official certification by our state-certified translators
Certification: Birth certificates, marriage certificates, wills, transcripts, diplomas, etc., commercial register extracts (HRA), balance sheets, tax ...
Medical and Medical Technology Translations
Medical and Medical Technology Translations
40 years of translation experience in the fields of medicine, medical technology, and pharmaceuticals Our decades of translation experience in the fi...
Finance and Taxation
Finance and Taxation
Translations in the fields of banking, finance, and accounting, international accounting, tax and auditing, controlling: Specifically, we translate: ...

Location and contact

AddressOtto-Suhr-Allee 106c, DE-10585 Berlin
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