Südheide 50, Hamburg 21149
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5 Product and services

Planar Xscreen Canvas
Planar Xscreen Canvas
The Xscreen looks like a large plasma TV and fits elegantly into modern living environments.
SONY Film Projector
SONY Film Projector
We are a Sony Prime Support dealer, which is why you receive the projector with an extended warranty - 36 months. Ready for demonstration and availab...
Epson Film Projector
Epson Film Projector
Ready for demonstration and available from stock: Epson TW9200(W) Light Power Edition. More information will follow shortly. Always included for free:...
JVC Film Projector
JVC Film Projector
for optimized home theater rooms and true 21:9 widescreen screens Ready for demonstration and available from stock: JVC DLA-X500R, DLA-X700R, and DLA...
Canvas WS-Spalluto
Canvas WS-Spalluto
Depending on the intended use, there are differences in materials and quality, such as in the type of fabric and accessories. No matter how beautiful ...

Location and contact

AddressSüdheide 50, DE-21149 Hamburg
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