

Obere Heeg 4, Schollbrunn 97852
Founded: 1957
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7 Product and services

Cabinet Walls & Partition Walls
Cabinet Walls & Partition Walls
Custom-built wardrobes to measure...
Conference Room Equipment
Conference Room Equipment
The overall concept should be cohesive, the equipment in the conference room should complement the executive area in style and radiate an inspiring at...
Executive Office Setup
Executive Office Setup
In the executive office, design and functionality should take center stage. The executive office must fulfill representative functions and individual ...
Office Furniture & Practice Furniture
Office Furniture & Practice Furniture
Office and practice furniture for a variety of needs – we take your starting situation into account...
Bank furniture
Bank furniture
Over 50 years of experience makes us a competent partner for the demanding planning and implementation of your banking facility.
Tea Kitchens / Office Kitchens
Tea Kitchens / Office Kitchens
Whether it's a small kitchenette or larger office kitchen lines, you will find the right solution for staff and lounge areas as well as visitor and co...
Apartment Furnishing
Apartment Furnishing
From us, you will receive tailored solutions for your living space. You tell us your wishes, and we will develop and implement them.

Location and contact

AddressObere Heeg 4, DE-97852 Schollbrunn
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