

Esentepe Mh. Sultangazi Kücük San Sit., 2952 Sk No:32/A, Istanbul 34000
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 1989
Employees: 50-99
Supplier type
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About us
Our company was established in 1989 by a group of entrepreneurs who cooperated and combined their knowledge and experiences in their own specialization fields. The head office is in Istanbul. We have extensive experience in manufacturing activated carbon filter cartridges, hot water air heaters, air handling unit components such as air dampers and air filters, as well as any kind of product or semi-product made of sheet steel, CNC punching, laser cutting, and all metal sheet fabrication.

7 Product and services

Activated Carbon Filter Cartridge - D:140-160 mm, L:250, 450, 600 mm
Activated Carbon Filter Cartridge - D:140-160 mm, L:250, 450, 600 mm
BLUE Activated carbon Filters are used in Air Handling Units, Ventilating Systems, Chemical processes as deodorisation and purification of the air.
Air Damper - Air Damper for AHU systems
Air Damper - Air Damper for AHU systems
BKD 100 TYPE AIR DAMPER BKD100 Type Air Dampers; are used for Air Handling Units, Ventilating Ducts, Industrial Air Conditioners to control air vol...
Plate Heat Exchanger - Plate Heat Exchanger
Plate Heat Exchanger - Plate Heat Exchanger
Plate heat exchangers consist of a number of corrugated plates. The plate pack is mounted between a fixed and movable pressure plate, positioned by an...
Activated Carbon Filter Unit with Fan - Activated Carbon Filter Unit
Activated Carbon Filter Unit with Fan - Activated Carbon Filter Unit
UNITS WITH FAN BLUE Activated Carbon Filter Units are used for deodorization and filtration of organic and chemical. Included centrifugal doubl...
CREMATORIUM - Crematorium for Hospitals
CREMATORIUM - Crematorium for Hospitals
Plate Heat ExchangerAir DampercrematoriumMortuary UnitActivated Carbon FilterExpansion VesselCREMATORIUMCREMATORIUM HOME ABOUT US PRODUCTS CONTACT...
Activated Carbon Filter Unit without Fan - Activated Carbon Filter Unit
Activated Carbon Filter Unit without Fan - Activated Carbon Filter Unit
UNITS WITHOUT FAN BLUE Activated Carbon Filter Units are used for deodorization and filtration of organic and chemical. Included Ø140x400 mm ac...
MORTUARY for HOSPITALS - One, Two or Three Person
MORTUARY for HOSPITALS - One, Two or Three Person
All Mortuaries are made from Stainless Steel. Front loaded or side loaded. Stretcher Loft: 46 cm Stretcher Dimensions: 210 x 65 x 4 cm Stainless ...

Payment methods

SWIFT transfer

Payment terms

COD - Cash on Delivery

Available type of delivery (incoterms)


Location and contact

AddressEsentepe Mh. Sultangazi Kücük San Sit., 2952 Sk No:32/A, TR-34000 Istanbul

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