

2 RUE DES PORTIONS, Zi de peuxy, Saint Nabord 88200
Delivery: Worldwide
Founded: 2014
Employees: 5-9
Supplier type
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About us

5 Product and services

Standard or Custom Overhead Crane - French Manufacturing
Standard or Custom Overhead Crane - French Manufacturing
BG LEVAGE, Manufacturer of overhead cranes for all types of applications. Single girder or double girder overhead cranes in profile or box design wit...
Chain Slings - Custom Chain Sling Dealer
Chain Slings - Custom Chain Sling Dealer
The chain slings at BG LEVAGE are designed and manufactured in such a way that the accidental disassembly of any component cannot occur. In a chain sl...
Electric Chain Hoist - Dealer and Installer of Electric Chain Hoists
Electric Chain Hoist - Dealer and Installer of Electric Chain Hoists
The DONATI DMK electric hoist is a machine generally used to lift a load via a hook or with the help of suitable accessories for this purpose. The hoi...
Brackets - Installer of post or wall brackets
Brackets - Installer of post or wall brackets
Our manual or electric jib cranes, available in column and wall-mounted versions, are designed for handling items in a factory or outdoor setting, or ...
Remote Control - Installer and dealer of remote controls of all brands
Remote Control - Installer and dealer of remote controls of all brands
We offer various brands of industrial remote controls. Our radios are typically installed with a HARTING kit to facilitate troubleshooting (Reduced in...

Payment methods

Credit card
Mail transfer

Payment terms

D/C - Documentary Collection

Location and contact

Address2 RUE DES PORTIONS, Zi de peuxy, FR-88200 Saint Nabord

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